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With the desire to help customers easily order products that the company is distributing on the market in a simple and convenient online form. On July 10, 2023, Career Joint Stock Company officially launched its online sales website

After Covid-19, the trend of Online shopping is the most chosen by consumers and has become a market trend in the 4.0 era - promoting smart technology via the Internet. Online ordering through website platforms is increasingly exploding and developing. Realizing that the online sales website is gradually becoming an indispensable tool to expand the business market in the 4.0 technology era, on July 10, 2023, Career Joint Stock Company officially launched the sales website. online: https://sunghiep.com.vn/

Career Joint Stock Company has established a strong reputation in the market - a reliable shopping address

The year 2012 marked the first milestone for the birth of Career Joint Stock Company - a distributor of food and domestic and foreign consumer products to the Hanoi market and neighboring provinces. With more than 11 years of construction and development with the motto of serving customers best with quality products and most competitive prices.

Constantly trying and constantly developing, Career Company is now a red address, a place of prestigious cooperation with major brands in the field of food and consumer goods and has a large number of customers in Hanoi. and neighboring provinces to choose when they need to buy consumer goods and food

Co Phan Career Company is currently distributing more than 100 products of food and consumer goods. Each distributed product has a clear commitment to product origin and quality.

Career Joint Stock Company launches online sales website

Career Joint Stock Company launches online sales website

So that customers can easily find and order products, the Joint Stock Company launched an online sales website for the first time. With more than 100 products being sold on the website, customers can easily search and order products on the company's online sales website platform.

On the occasion of launching the online sales website, we have promotions for more than 100 products being sold on the website with a commitment to the best price when customers order on the website.

On the website, the company's typical distribution products are currently being sold such as: Jacker canned potatoes , Tricks cakes , Flour cereal candy along with delicious and unique teas ,... we are always ready to serve you. customers' hands above


Jacker canned potatoes
Jacker canned potatoes
Cake Tricks
Cake Tricks with delicious flavor


In addition, we also have frozen and cold foods such as delicious ice cream brand Hung Linh , dumplings , shaken chicken with pearls ,... we are always ready to serve customers in Hanoi.

Very delicious ice cream brand Hung Linh
Very delicious ice cream brand Hung Linh


With the motto of serving customers best with quality products and the most competitive prices, we always commit to:

  • Goods are guaranteed to be of good quality and have a clear source and origin.
  • Purchase goods and issue correct and complete VAT invoices.
  • Pay online with cards, wallets... for the Company quickly and conveniently.
  • Free delivery for orders over 300,000 VND/order.

During this launch event, we give customers the opportunity to shop at the best prices on the market. Especially for orders over 300,000 VND, we offer free shipping nationwide

The launch of the online sales website has demonstrated the will and tireless efforts of the company's leadership and staff. We hope that this e-commerce website will help customers shop online quickly and easily in the 4.0 technology era. Customers, please visit the website: CAREER DEVELOPMENT JOINT STOCK COMPANY (sunghiep.com.vn) and place an order, we are ready to serve you.

Year-end year 2023

Year-end year 2023

Every spring, all members of the company sit together to look back at the business results of the past year.

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