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Benefits and harms of eating sweets that you may not know?

Candy is a favorite food not only of children but also of adults. If mothers are still wondering whether eating a lot of candy is good or not, in the following article, we will help you answer this question as well as point out some benefits, harms and notes when eating sweets.

Candy is a favorite food not only of children but also of adults. But many of you may not know the benefits and harms of eating a lot of sweets.

I. Benefits of sweets and confectionery

Sweets and candies bring many benefits to physical and mental health if used in the right dosage. Candy helps relieve stress, fatigue, create positive energy and many other uses as follows:

1.1 Helps you become smarter

According to many studies, eating candy helps stimulate beta waves in the brain, making the mind more comfortable and clearer, especially with mint-flavored candy. Thanks to the comfortable and refreshing spirit after eating candy, the user's work efficiency and mood are also much better.

Benefits and harms of eating sweets that you may not know?=> See more products: Ba Dinh Candy

1.2 Reduce stress

The sweetness of candy is the fastest method to help regulate mood, helping to dispel tension and stress after many tiring hours of work or study. Because candy contains ingredients that help reduce glucocorticoid hormone - a hormone that causes a feeling of stress in the brain, and at the same time produce "happy" hormones such as endorphin and serotonin.

1.3 Helps protect the heart

A special benefit of chocolate candy is that it helps improve cardiovascular function. Science has proven that chocolate contains a mixture of flavonoids that help protect a healthy heart, limit sudden heart attacks and dangerous strokes by stimulating the body to pump enough blood to the heart.

Therefore, patients with a history of cardiovascular disease are often advised to consume foods containing chocolate, especially low-sugar dark chocolate.

Benefits and harms of eating sweets that you may not know?

1.4 Helps maintain oral hygiene

Gum and candy contain ingredients such as eucalyptus essential oil, mint extract, green tea, etc., giving you fresh breath and a feeling of confidence all day long.

Not only that, some types of gum are supplemented with natural sweeteners, bringing a sweet taste on the tongue without fear of tooth decay or negative health effects.

Benefits and harms of eating sweets that you may not know?

1.5 Some other uses of candy

Currently, on the market there are many types of candy that serve different purposes. Eating candy is not just for fun anymore, but there are many certain uses of candy.

These include candy, cough-relieving lozenges, sugar-free diet candy, herbal candy, nutritious nut candy, etc. These candies have a delicious flavor and stimulate the taste buds. It is also rich in essential nutrients for the body such as vitamins A, E, honey,...

II. Harmful effects of eating too much candy

2.1 Increased risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease

The more sugar you eat, the higher your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.

Benefits and harms of eating sweets that you may not know?

2.2 Makes the body weak and tired

Using candy continuously for a long time makes you fall into a state of "addiction" to sugar. If you don't eat sweets, your body will feel lethargic, uncomfortable, etc. When this condition lasts, it can make your body weak and tired when you have to choose whether or not to eat candy. .

Benefits and harms of eating sweets that you may not know?

2.3 Lack of chromium in the body

Chromium is an essential trace element that helps the body regulate blood sugar levels. Meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits are often foods high in chromium. If you use too much candy,  cakes  or even refined starchy foods, your body will lack chromium.

Benefits and harms of eating sweets that you may not know?

2.4 Causes tooth decay

When eating sweets, if the oral cavity is not properly cleaned, then bacteria will digest the remaining sweets and form acids that cause tooth erosion, destroy tooth enamel as well as cause tooth decay.

If this condition persists, in addition to causing tooth decay, eating candy or sweets can also lead to dental diseases such as pulpitis, gingivitis, periodontitis,... affecting quality of life.

Benefits and harms of eating sweets that you may not know?

2.5 Inability to absorb nutrients

Sweets in general or candy in particular do not help the body supplement essential nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron,...

Eating too many sweets makes your body unable to absorb the above nutrients. Over time, it will weaken your immune system, making you susceptible to illness and not having good resistance.

Benefits and harms of eating sweets that you may not know?

2.6 Causes stress

Hormones that make the body frustrated and uncomfortable will be stimulated when blood sugar levels in the body increase. Therefore, you should minimize the consumption of foods high in sugar, instead add more vegetables, fruits, etc. to help supplement vitamins and reduce your sweet cravings.

Benefits and harms of eating sweets that you may not know?

III. Note to help limit intake of too much sugar into the body

3.1 Ensure adequate and reasonable nutrition

Although candy and sweets are a favorite dish of many people, you need to pay attention to providing other nutrients to your body properly. The daily menu needs to be balanced with food groups such as: Starch (priority is given to cereals  ) , protein, fat, vitamins, etc. to ensure the best health.

3.2 Do not use sweets as rewards for children

Sweet candy always makes children excited and happy, but children often tend to eat too much candy without control. Therefore, parents should not create bad habits for children to abuse sweets such as using candy as rewards for children or storing too many sweets in the house.

In addition, parents should control the amount of sweets their children consume every day, creating conditions for children to turn to natural, healthy foods.

3.3 Identify hidden sugars in products

Some well-known nutritious foods such as yogurt, cereal, fresh milk, bird's nest juice, etc. may also contain sugar inside, called hidden sugar.

To know the amount of hidden sugar in the product, you need to carefully read the ingredients and notes on the label before buying for children. Or to be more certain, you should prioritize using whole foods such as unsweetened fresh milk instead of flavored milk, fresh fruit instead of canned fruit, mineral water instead of soft drinks, etc.

3.4 Build healthy eating habits

The best way to prevent obesity, diabetes, and related diseases is to build a healthy nutritional menu every day.

Thus, in the long run you will create good habits for yourself, your body will automatically adapt to a scientific diet without feeling constrained or craving foods that are harmful to your health. .

IV. Related questions about eating sweets

4.1 How to eat lots of sweets without getting fat

Tips for eating lots of sweets without getting fat include:

  • Prioritize foods that are naturally sweet like pomegranates, apples and other fruits
  • Choose foods containing sugar alcohol: Although it is called sugar alcohol, it does not contain any ethanol or compounds that make you drunk. Alcoholic sugar smells and tastes like sugar, but has fewer calories and is safer for your health.
  • Choosing coarsely processed sugar like brown sugar is more nutritious than white sugar.
  • Do not chew for too long when eating sweet food because lactobacillus in the oral cavity can ferment sugar to form acid. The longer you chew, the faster the aging process will occur. Also, remember to use toothpaste and mouthwash after eating sweets.

4.2 When should you eat sweets?

You should eat sweets in the morning to start a new day or at noon to help cheer up and energize yourself. Besides, at times when you may be tired, have a pounding heart or have a headache and dizziness, you can also eat sweets or fruits to supplement blood sugar and stabilize your body's condition.

4.3 Why is eating sweets fun?

Consuming sweets will help the body release endorphins (anti-stress hormones) and serotonin (anti-depressants). Therefore, when we are stressed, we often turn to sweets such as candy to calm our minds.

Through this article, Career has answered the question of whether eating a lot of candy is good or not, as well as reviewing the benefits, harms, and precautions when eating sweets. Hope this information will be useful to you. 

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For more detailed information, please contact:


Mobile: 0904.152.237

Hotline: 024.3559.2828

Website : https://sunghiep.com.vn/

Lazada: https://bom.so/PBf6s0

Shoppe: https://shopee.vn/shop/326649055

Address: 336 Kim Giang, Dai Kim, Hoang Mai, Hanoi.

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